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Dr Soil Health Arecanut Special

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Price: $50

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Dr Soil Health Adike Special is manufactured using plant extracts which supplements energy source for higher yield and is composed of natural earthworm exudates, seaweeds extract, blue green algae, moringaoleifera extract, organic carbons & amino acids, vitamins, chelated major, secondary & micro nutrients. Plant nutrients like NPK, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Fe, Mn, B, all of them derived from natural plant origin. Adike Special will promote roots & shoots and stimulates the cell division, improves the crop size and increasing the beneficial micro-organisms and earthworm population. Dr Soil Health Adike Special acts as a buffering agent and stabilizes soil reactions (pH).

Though the properties / ingredients are almost similar in regular Dr Soil Health and Adike Special, higher percentage of Boron and Potash can be noticed in Adike Special, which is suitable for Arecanut crop. With this, the issue of Beans or Nuts dropping in Arecanut in particular has been addressed.
Higher percentage of Boron & Potash in Dr Soil Health Areca Special compared with normal Dr Soil Health will also assist to retain higher beans/ nuts by the plant by controlling their dropping besides cracking. Depending upon the opportunity, Dr Soil Health Areca Special drenching, drip irrigation and spray can be taken up. When the plant is short, drenching and spray both will be advised.

Application & Dosage

Suitable crop All crops
Organic/ Inorganic Organic
Composition All micronutrients and some beneficial microorganisms
Available form Liquid
Solubility in water Soluble
Method of application Drenching, spraying and drip
Drenching 5 litre for 500 litre of water
For Foliar Application 10 ml per litre of water
Broadcasting 50 kg of soil mixed with 5 kg of Dr. Soil Health
Unique feature Improves the growth of plants

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